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Here we go, books.

Finally getting the ball going on this whole blogging thing. What am I suppose to do? Oh yes, entertain you with my intelligent, witty, charming thoughts and ideas (are those two different?). I'll start by telling about what I'm currently reading. On my nightstand next to me are 2 books: The Book of Joy, by His Holiness the Dali Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu & "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynnman" Stories told by Richard Feynman while drumming, written by Ralph Leighton. I'm two chapters into the Feynman book and about halfway through the Book of Joy. The book of Joy is so simple and easy to read. It feels as if I'm sitting cross legged in a circle with old friends listening to stories about their lives. Oddly, I relate more to the buddhist monk and christian human-rights activist than I do to the famous physicist (I'm a physicist by training - but I am not a great teacher [yet] as was Feynnman).

This weekend I am heading to Seattle. I will be attending a two week course called Neurohackademy at the University of Washington. Excited does not even begin to cover my feelings. I know I am going to learn SO much - new coding skills, analysis ideas and techniques, oh and I'll meet awesome new friends who love brains and coding too! Seattle is such a fun city too, so will get out exploring in the evening. Getting to Mt. Rainer National Park one day to hike is also a top priority. My next post will be all about what I've learned :) Or maybe I will even post while I'm there so I don't forget anything!

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